
Van Oosterum Leder is a member of Leather Naturally.

Leather Naturally is a non-profit trade association that focuses on the information and promotion of leather.

Leather Naturally promotes the use of sustainably produced leather worldwide and seeks to inspire and inform designers, makers and consumers about its beauty, quality and versatility.

The website, is a resource that everyone can access for balanced information about the leather industry. The content is promoted through social media, newsletters and press releases.

Leather Naturally publishes a number of fact sheets with information about leather and leather production.
They are all available for download and can be used by educators, students, the press, and anyone who wants access to transparent information about the industry. Leather Naturally promotes its activities through major leather fairs, conferences and presentations. It reaches end users through the global metcha campaign.

The digital online magazine Metcha is the oracle of learning design and learning culture; Features interviews, features and articles on everything from leather recycling startups to iconic cars and the best vintage leather jacket stores.


Screenshot 2021-04-22 at 10.40.57The Sauer Report is a report that provides a structured insight into the development of prices for different categories of hides. Here is a short sample message.

Italy – Raw material prices causing concern

Published: Apr 14, 2021

Being one of the top leather suppliers in the world, the quick rise of raw materials prices is causing some concern among tanners. According to recent data published by the Italian Tanners' Association (UNIC), bovine hides (excluding calf), have witnessed a price rise of 13% on average, with bull hides' value increasing by over a third since the end of 2020. If heavy bovines have seen steep price increases, the situation for lighter hides (calf), and ovine skins is less clear-cut, as their price is tied mostly to the fashion industry, which is a segment lagging behind other destinations, such as automotive and furniture upholstery. Calfskins have reportedly increased on average about 9% since the beginning of the year, while ovine skins have yet to show a clear direction, between stability on some origins and significant increases on others.


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